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Oh yea, We are on My Space now thanks to (Xak). All the songs are up there. (at least the ones off the demo) Thats about it.

Assid Kor On My Space

The Assid Kor website now has it's own Blog.

It's an "Open Blog".

That means even you guy's can post on it. So go by drop us a line, who knows we might even resond....even Travis might!!! Holy shit thats saying something. Well I'm gunna go see ya,


Assid Kor Blog

Man we are coming up in the world, to bad we are not a band

anymore. On to more pressing matters. Assid Kor Photo Album!

Thats right a photo album, no more crappy pages with a bunch of pics on it. You can look at the pics, leave comments on them, and theres a link to print the pictures. Also if you have any pictures of the guy's in the band, or the roadies, managers, & so on. Send them to , and I'll post them. As long as I'm not going to get a lawsuit for them. So have fun,


Assid Kor Photo Album

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